How it works
Import raw product data with a few clicks from any source and in any format.
Enrich and customize data with AI and optimization features.
Export perfectly tailored product content to any channel globally.
From smart feed management to effective campaigns
Optimize your product data with industry-leading feed management functionalities. Enrich your product listings and create perfectly tailored catalogs for any social or advertising channel and audience. Advertising PX will enable you to overcome the complexity of today's advertising ecosystems.
Boost marketing performance
Turn raw product information into channel-ready product content that drives performance. Our customers increased CTR by 20% and items added to cart by 40%.
Accelerate time-to-market
Easily optimize your product content for a global matrix of advertising channels. Update and publish perfectly tailored content on all channels in less than 1 hour.
Personalize journeys for global audiences
Reach your customers with engaging content that fits their individual buyer journey stage. Deliver timely, compelling product content that converts prospects to customers.
Manage product data
- Integrate, consolidate, and enrich product content from any source
- Automatically structure and manipulate content to meet brand and channel guidelines
- Seamlessly map product content with a few clicks according to each channel template
Enrich product listings
- Use image design tools to add marketing information like ratings, custom labels
- Enrich, edit and transform product content using over 250 drag-and-drop, no-code rule boxes
- Customize and pre-schedule export times and cadence to align with your stakeholders’ preferences
Extract more value from your product content
- Perform A/B testing on any campaign
- Gain access to real-time performance data with customizable, user-friendly reports
- Leverage automated feed optimization and error alerts
- Adapt content to timely promotions or sales events quickly
Calling all agencies!
Looking to deliver the best ROAS and campaign profitability for your clients? Discover why the world’s biggest agencies have switched to Productsup for product feed management.
An unrivaled suite of marketing and feed management tools
Map data automatically
Use AI to map each data source to each export channel automatically.
Customize per channel
Distribute product content tailored to each channel – from social media to search engines, including local inventory ads (LIA)
Sell on social
Create complete product catalogs for shopping journeys on social media – from discovery to purchase.
Explore more resources
Learn more about TikTok Shop
Using our integration, offer your customers an engaging end-to-end buying experience with native checkout and enhanced product content.
Drive in-store foot traffic with Google local inventory ads
Google local inventory ads (LIA) are an incredible avenue for brands and retailers to reach their customers.
Gain efficiency in Google Merchant Center
Send optimized product feeds to Google Merchant Center 6 times faster than before.