Productsup for Pharmaceuticals

The pharmaceutical industry has highly complex product data regulations and supply chain complexity. Our platform empowers pharmaceutical manufacturers and e-pharmacies to gain control over their product content across all retail and advertising sites.


Regulation compliance for market expansion

Failing to ensure all product data regulation is followed results in legal complications and can lead to e-pharmacy shutdowns. Maintaining regulatory compliance is essential to every market expansion strategy. To avoid legal implications, certifying your product data according to global GS1 standards is key.


Expand your reach

In addition to the big players in the e-pharmacy industry, some companies sell VMS (Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements) brands through their online shops. Both e-pharmacies and VMS companies need to leverage social media selling to reach a broader audience to beat the competition. This will cut out the middlemen and increase profit margins.


High-quality product content

Consistently maintaining accurate product data to deliver high-quality content across sales channels can be a manual and time-consuming task. This is partially due to the complexity of sourcing product data from suppliers or manufacturers. Leveraging automation to structure and manipulate your product content to meet all advertising channel guidelines is key.

Discover how...

...Productsup gives pharmaceutical manufacturers control over their product data across all channels – ready for all global retailers, marketplaces, and GS1 GDSN.

Take control of your product data with Retail PX

Top 3 features of Retail PX

As part of our P2C platform, Retail PX enables you to import product content from any source, enrich it with useful tools, and share it with GS1 and any retailer worldwide.

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    Partner collaboration

    Leverage our task management capabilities to work efficiently with stakeholders worldwide, including brand managers, category managers, and pharmaceutical representatives.

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    Global GS1 GDSN syndication

    Upload, maintain, and share high-quality product content to GS1 and the GDSN automatically. Ensure that your pharmaceutical retailers have immediate access to your most current and complete product information.

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    Enhanced content designer

    Tailor your product content based on your target audience or per retailer, ensuring a personalized digital shelf experience for all consumers.

Capture your product data with Product Guard PX

Capture and certify your product data with AI technology according to global GS1 standards for complete and consistent product content that’s ready for all global retailers, marketplaces, and GS1 GDSN.

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    Computer vision models

    Customized computer vision models designed for precise logos and visual extraction guarantee accuracy in identifying and capturing complex visual elements and hallmarks.

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    Multilingual data recognition

    Product Guard PX allows you to select all of your pharmaceutical product categories, languages, and industry standards, providing your team with a scalable data capture process suitable for all businesses and industries.

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    Optical Character Recognition

    OCR models combined with AI automatically recognize texts in any imported product label. All product data is captured within 48 hours and available immediately.

Discover how...

...Productsup enables e-pharmacies to grow their assortment by seamlessly onboarding product content from all suppliers and ensuring all data meets the requirements of the e-pharmacy. Distribute GS1-certified product content to any advertising channel.

Sell more with Advertising PX

Top 3 features of Advertising PX

Advertising PX allows you to scale your e-pharmacy to a higher level. Easily promote and sell pharmaceutical products directly to any advertising channel.

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    Automated attribute mapping

    Increase performance with AI-powered data flows. Automatically map product data from any pharmaceutical manufacturer or source to each export channel.

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    Cross-channel advertising and social shopping

    Distribute your pharmaceutical content across all advertising channels. From local inventory ads (LIA) on search engines to in-app shopping on social media apps.

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    Image Designer

    Create visual product content at scale with our Image Designer tool. Enhanced product images perform up to 45% better on average.

Enrich your product data with Retail PX

Top 3 features of Retail PX

Retail PX enables you to manage and optimize your sourced product content before publishing it to your e-pharmacy, according to your data requirements.

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    Global GS1 GDSN syndication

    Upload, maintain, and share high-quality product content to GS1 and the GDSN automatically. Ensure that your pharmaceutical retailers have immediate access to your most current and complete product information.

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    Enhanced content designer

    Provide tailored and personalized product content to all segments of your target audience for a better customer experience and a higher online conversion rate.

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    Partner collaboration

    With seamless integrations built into our platform, collaborate with content syndication stakeholders easily, including brand managers, category managers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Quick supplier onboarding with Onboarding PX

Top 3 features of Onboarding PX

Automate your data onboarding, consolidate and optimize product content from pharmaceutical suppliers to effortlessly create comprehensive, ready-to-use product catalogs.

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    Extensive data view

    Optimize your pharmaceutical suppliers’ product content to match your unique requirements. Get all catalogs approved, eliminate errors, avoid time-consuming feedback rounds, edit data in bulk and validate shared content using data previews.

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    Data flow and mapping

    Create ready-to-publish catalogs with AI mapping of incoming supplier product content into customizable templates. Get a clear overview of the end-to-end flow to deliver a custom export xml or csv file to meet any requirement.

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    Error monitoring

    Monitor the status and health of your pharmaceutical supplier data with error events and clear overview dashboards. Receive instant error alerts, actionable insight reports, cancel running processes when certain errors occur to improve data quality and syndication.

Sell your private label with Product Guard PX

Top 3 features of Product Guard PX

Comply with GS1 data standards and other regulatory requirements. Sell more products from pharmaceutical manufacturers and only receive accurate and up-to-date information.

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    Computer vision models

    Customized computer vision models designed for precise logos and visual extraction guarantee accuracy in identifying and capturing complex visual elements and hallmarks.

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    Multilingual data recognition

    Product Guard PX allows you to select all of your product categories, languages, and industry standards, providing your team with a scalable data capture process suitable for all businesses and industries.

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    Optical Character Recognition

    OCR models combined with AI automatically recognize texts in any imported product label. All product data is captured within 48 hours and immediately available.