This job listing platform put the power of feed management in the hands of its business teams


When was the last time you had a potential job candidate walk through your front doors and hand in a resume? It’s probably been a long time. It’s 2020, and most people are relying on job marketplaces to find (and apply for) the right job.
Then again, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Because it is 2020, user expectations are sky-high. Data is big and overwhelming, and being a successful job marketplace means a lot more than just having great listings: it means managing a lot of data. You’re not just a “recruiting” company - you’re a tech company. And Joblift is no exception.
Joblift is a popular job marketplace in Europe, the UK, and the US, and in 2018 they made the decision to upgrade the way they manage job data. The goal wasn’t just to make internal processes easier. They wanted to make their marketplace more helpful for users. They wanted to be able to get the newest jobs up fast, and let their business development team work their magic to create better experiences on the platform.
Here’s what happened.

The scene: slow technology, busy IT teams

Job listing marketplaces have millions (maybe billions) of job listings coming and going all the time. It’s this large number of listings from a large number of employers that makes a platform diverse and useful. Of course, every listing and employer also represents another data asset to manage.
Here’s how the data management process usually looks: the job provider sends over a “feed” of job listings. These feeds aren’t exactly readable for most people and are meant to be interpreted by technical professionals. Joblift would send all of this data to the IT team, who would then prepare the feeds so that they would fit into Joblift’s own system. Thus IT was involved almost every step of the way. They were always expertly transforming confusing data into something that could appear on the Joblift platform and help job seekers.
This was manageable, but Joblift wanted to do more. This sort of feed management meant that every single edit needed to go through IT. If a team member just wanted to fix a typo, make a title more interesting, or add more information, they had to go through a whole process.
In 2018, Joblift decided to make a change.

How one dedicated solution helped Joblift employees take control of their product data

The first step Joblift took was integrating the Productsup platform into their stack. This is a dedicated platform for mastering product feeds. In other words, anyone (with the access rights) could jump in and start optimizing data on their own. There was no need to write IT or get someone else to help. Business users now had access to clear, human-friendly overviews of the data feeds, and they could even drag-and-drop changes as necessary.
Simply put: anyone on the Joblift team now had the capacity to work with data.

With this blocker out of the way, the business development team was able to take their feed management to a new level. They were able to stop worrying about the backlog and start taking care of the optimization process. In fact, Joblift was able to onboard 3 clients within just thirty minutes.
With that kind of speed and control, the team could also start focusing on the optimization process, keeping clients happy and ensuring that users always got the best experience.

“Productsup allows us to easily and seamlessly manage and integrate feeds in our day-to-day business – it’s a massive help in growing our business!” Benjamin Schoelzel, Head of Operations

What’s next for Joblift? Now they’re busy growing their job boards so users can have the most comprehensive and informative job boards possible.

About the author

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Hannah Augur

Senior Content Creator
Hannah is a content writer, tech blogger & geek based in Berlin. She reports on all things tech and commerce and boasts a medium-sized tolerance for buzzwords.

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