Productsup logos
On this page you’ll find downloadable Productsup logos and guidance on how and where to use them.
Primary Productsup logo
Our primary Productsup logo is to be used as a default version.
Download the ZIP file below containing our primary logo in PNG, SVG and JPG file formats.Productsup logo with white “up“
The Productsup logo with white “up” is to be used only on our blue backgrounds.
Download the ZIP file below containing our logo with white "up" in PNG, SVG and JPG file formats.White Productsup logo
The white Productsup logo version is to be used where the background requires a one-color logo due to contrast e.g. dark picture in the background.
Download the ZIP file below containing our white logo in PNG, SVG and JPG file formats.
Productsup logo spatial border
To ensure that the Productsup logo achieves maximum visibility and impact, please ensure the spatial order is maintained, wherever the log appears.