Online event: February 3, 2022

This event has taken place. You can now watch it on-demand.
After careful consideration of the unfolding situation, we decided to move all of our World Tour stops to regional virtual spaces. The agenda for the Amsterdam online event is still packed full of unmissable talks, only the medium changed.
The future of commerce is product-to-consumer (P2C) management. Register for the P2C World Tour in Amsterdam and prepare to be inspired to radically rethink your commerce. Hear experts from Brunel, Publitas, Thule, Shop Apotheke, and Productsup explain how to create sustainable commerce success.
- 10:00 - 10:20 - P2C introduction and market outlook - Vincent Peters, Productsup
- 10:20 - 10:40 - Customer insights - Zebastian Sjöberg, Thule
- 10:40 - 11:00 - Customer insights - Enrico Duinkerken, Brunel
- 11:00 - 11:30 - Panel discussion - Waldi Weisz Blanchetta, Publitas | Aljoscha Krawulsky, Shop Apotheke
- 11:30 - 11:40 - Wrap-up and Q&A
The P2C World Tour is tailored to 6 regions across the globe. View all the locations here.

3 raisons de participer au P2C World Tour. Découvrez :
- les conclusions de recherches inédites sur l'avenir du commerce.
- quelles bonnes pratiques les grandes marques ont-elles implémentées pour venir à bout de l’anarchie commerciale
- Pourquoi une stratégie product-to-consumer est indispensable à votre réussite et comment la mettre en œuvre.