Online event: January 26, 2022

The P2C World Tour: Radically rethinking commerce in the USA

The P2C World tour is coming to the USA virtually. Join us in radically rethinking commerce. Experts from Constellation Research, Rakuten, Uber Eats, and more will show you why the future of commerce is P2C.


Hear from the following industry experts



Three reasons to join the P2C World Tour:

  • Hear what the latest research reveals about the future of commerce
  • Discover how major brands are combating commerce anarchy
  • Learn why a P2C strategy is essential for success and how to realize it

This event has taken place. You can now watch it on-demand.

The future of commerce is product-to-consumer (P2C) management. Register for the P2C World Tour in the US and prepare to be inspired to radically rethink your commerce. Hear experts from Constellation, Uber Eats, Eileen Fisher, Rakuten, TeePublic, Ignite Visibility, and Productsup explain how to create sustainable commerce success.


  • 12:00 - 12:45 PM EST Opening remarks & Welcome Keynote - Brad Copeland, Productsup
  • 12:45 - 1:15 PM EST Keynote - Ray Wang, Constellation
  • 1:15 - 1:45 PM EST Customer insights - Michael Kamradt, Uber Eats
  • 1:45 - 2:45 PM EST Panel discussion - Eileen Fisher, Rakuten Advertising, Ignite Visibility, and TeePublic
  • 2:45 - 3:00 PM EST Closing remarks - Brad Copeland, Productsup

The P2C World Tour is tailored to 6 regions across the globe. View all the locations here.

Invite your colleagues to the tour.

Share the great P2C World Tour news. Inspire others to overcome commerce anarchy and create the basis for sustainable commerce success in 2022.

Learn more about P2C

Want to discuss the topic further? Just let us know your details and we’ll be in touch.